Your Bread Looks Tasty

Did they kill the elves already? Is bread literally the only concern these people have? I’m confused now.

Shining Hearts bears more and more of a resemblance to Yumeiro Patissiere, as it is above all portrayed as an insanely cute, weird, wrong utopia. It is a veritable alternate dimension where nothing makes much sense, in which everyone is obsessed with baking bread or making ice cream and no one could possibly be unhappy so long as they get their delicious treats delivered to them every day, like clockwork. Sometimes like clockwork is reassuring. Hey, at least you will never tune in only to discover Rick has burned the bakery down, and is now making a living as a hustler.

Hustling is a smart career path, I hear.

It goes without saying that in such a  universe, problems can always be made right if you just whip up incredible dishes their famished taste-buds won’t soon forget. It seems the whole town has a  ravenous black hole that only endless amounts of illogical creations can fill.

Kids will love biting its whiskers off.

and if that fails, certainly this age old classic will work:

Falling, boobs first, is a proven tactic in getting attention.

I do not know if they will ever get back to the main plot, with the amnesia stricken girl who still hasn’t woken up. Speaking of waking someone up, who is Rick and what? I still have no idea.

Hello, Rick? Is anybody in there?

Maybe it will and maybe it won’t, I really don’t care about Rick personally with all these industrious women bustling around, thinking they can save the world one carbohydrate and sugar fest at a time.   

I never had any expectations for this.. oh wait, there are muffins? That changes everything.

a compelling point.

I have been feeling the lack of blonde guys who are also excellent harp players and just plain players, too.

If I was being completely honest, I hate your bread and I hate you, but will you still listen to my song?

I think it would only be fair for one person on the whole island to have an aversion to the one thing everyone else inexplicably loves, and have no qualms about expressing it.

are you kidding? Pink is the manliest color.

Above all things, I was most impressed by the sheer size and audacity of Melty Oujo-Sama’s witch hat.  Makes a good hiding place.

Better than a paper bag.


Ok, I only said your bread looked tasty so you would like me.

Kimi to Boku Episode 19

So close, proximity can be daunting.

Yuki comes face to face with some unfamiliar feelings after he has some understated encounters that spark an unfulfilled romance with the “Curly-Haired Cinderella” of the cafeteria, only for her to decide to move away and go back to being a hairdresser just as they start to talk to each other more.

Nothing really happens, he gives her a plate he has been saving stickers up for, (and she kindly gives him some of her stickers, as she has already won another plate,) and seems reluctant to let her go.

Even Chizuru seems to have caught “possessive” fever, tackling a member of the basketball team when he tries to recruit Yuki into the club, and proclaiming, “leave my Yuki alone!”

Faithless Chizuru, has he forgotten Mary?

This episode was all about tactile sensations, there is much focus on hands and hands grabbing things. It put me in mind of the possessive side of human nature, of our greed for having contact with material things and the consequent loneliness we feel when we do not get to have these things within our reach.

It’s hard to communicate with the one you desire, when her back is turned. The interesting part of this is that suddenly they are dressed formally.

Even the lounging, cuddling cats seemed to spread the message, huddling and nuzzling each other as if to suggest a theme, which makes the title “You and Me” Make more sense all of a sudden. Muddled as the anime can be, underneath it all it is really about the ways love makes us worry about each other, and the complications that arise when we act on that worry. How can we hold on to each other when we are constantly in the process of moving away from each other? How can we remain close when we also have to maintain personal growth and independence as well?

The episode doesn’t really offer any definite answers to those questions, but they keep on cropping up throughout the series, such as when Yuki had a day on his own and wondered how his life would be apart from Yuta. In the end, he realizes and so does Yuta that they are lucky to have each other even when they get on each other’s nerves. A sentiment I can agree with, when I consider my own relationships with people. It is better to be annoyed and have support, than to have none and never be bothered and yet we will always wonder what life would be without our attachments to preoccupy us.

Errant Princess says,

This was good, the episode had much more depth than the last one did.


Kimi to Boku Episode 18

Only Shun can get away with a line like this.

Wow, I never knew Shun was a pageant kind of girl, wishing for world peace. I can kind of picture him winning a crown and weeping profusely.

Something, anything, better happen.

Kimi to Boku has had its fair share of slow, uneventful episodes and sure loves to make jokes out of trivial matters, and this episode was no exception as the material is kind of sparse and childish. It is a good thing there is usually something to keep my interest happening in the background, even when all that is holding the show up is  bursts of witty dialogue interspersed between all the yawning cats and the random messes Chizuru gets the gang in.

Kimi to Boku gets me with the little things, despite its total failure to have any ambition or grow up. I don’t know how long they can keep it up and still maintain my complete interest.  Don’t get me wrong, I love Yuki for his supreme shamelessness when it comes to relying on the older, wiser Yuta. how hard is it to go get yourself some tangerines if you want to eat? How much self-absorption and apathy does it take to refuse to get up and make your sibling go fetch some fruit for you when you have two working legs? Congrats, Yuki, for being so phenomenally lazy.  I just wish the show wasn’t quite so lazy.

Yuki’s Motto: Why do for myself, what I can get Yuta to do for me?

Errant Princess Says,

This was ok, not much to see here. Will it ever grow up?