AKB0048 Episode 1 First Impression

There is no way around the unavoidable fact that AKB0048 is a disastrous spectacle. It falls into the dubious category of bad guilty pleasure at best, and unwatchable, moe splattered melodrama with cough worthy bad dialogue, at worst.  It’s not real Sci Fi, it’s  My Little Pony on LSD and it doesn’t seem to care if certain things the characters do are remotely possible. (Nobody ever told me it was feasible to chase after a spaceship about to take off, and have your friends open the doors and pull you inside at the last moment) So if you still want to take the dive  after reading that description, I applaud your bravery and only give you this word of advice: please don’t take this show seriously. It is clearly targeted to appeal to three-year old girls, ( I don’t want to think about the other target group, please.)  It’s so clichéd it almost feels like a parody, although that will only make it more popular for some. By the end I was convinced it is the work of some devious and corrupt mind.

I sure hope not.

The reason why I think it was made by a devious and corrupt mind? Well, for one thing the group of idols that the four young, main characters admire and want to emulate are actually “replacements” for  the real members of AKB0048, meaning that when idols are no longer “viable” or something, they change them out for younger, identical clones of themselves. The girls audition to take over their idol’s spots and don’t seem to think there is anything degrading about this goal.

The second reason was the character designs were from some kind of pure, moe hell where everyone has hearts in their eyes and on their hair, and no longer seems remotely like a representation of a human being, but a representation of an anime character if anime characters were all evil robots, striving with all their hearts to become mass-produced j-pop stars. Excuse me, I have a desire to watch something sane to cleanse my palate now.

Errant Princess Says,


This would be hard to admit to liking.  The definition of  a guilty pleasure.